Release day cometh!
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We are less than a week from the 10/8 release of Use Somebody. Super excited, and super nervous. Hoping readers love Jeremy as much as I love him. If you do read it and like it, will you leave a review on Amazon? It makes a huge difference -- it's how readers find a new-to-them author. And it's how a book makes it into Amazon's recommendation algorithm.It's going to be a great month, with the release of my friend Jennifer Lane's book Spiked yesterday, mine next Saturday, and our friend Jennifer Locklear's book Constellation later this month (don't you love that title?). Plus Nancee Cain's book Tempting Jo just came out at the end of September.Lots to read! I'm hoping we actually get a few weeks of real fall before Idaho goes all out winter. You never can tell here -- four seasons in one day is the typical weather report.I'll leave you with a little teaser from Use Somebody. Have an awesome week!Best,Beck