Book signing: fun chance to meet people or nerve-wracking ordeal?

So next week I will be signing books and saying hi at a wonderful indie bookstore here in lovely Boise -- Rediscovered Bookshop downtown. They host an author during the Saturday market, and next week, it's me.  This is an honor and an opportunity.  Here's the link to the FB invite: But I've never done a book signing before. And I know me.  Sitting there watching people walk in makes me nervous just thinking about it. I am an awkward extrovert.  I like people, but if I am self-aware, I am a huge clumsy foot-in-mouth cheeseball. Anyhow. Some of my very sweet friends have promised to come by and mill around, creating the appearance of an event.If you've ever been to one, any advice?  Do I stand, sit, talk to people when they walk by, build a tower of cards, knit a scarf? All suggestions are welcome.  It's Help an Awkward Author Week, you know (no it's not -- I lie when I'm nervous).



The Jeweler COVER REVEAL and tour!


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