Me and my muse popping in to say hey!


Wanted to check in and see how everyone was doing. It's been a crazy busy summer over here at Casa Anderson. We have children who have suddenly decided to pursue interests of their own (not suddenly but lord they keep us busy). I used to be worried for our oldest to start driving, and now it can't happen soon enough.Here's the big reason I am writing, though. I am writing writing again, and I am VERY excited about the project. The working title is Green Light, and it's a project I've been meaning to tackle for a long time. Finally, after trying to get after it since January, it's speaking to me. FINALLY.This is a scary thing for a writer. When I feel like I am holding on to an idea so tightly, I am throttling the life out of it, it's no fun. No bueno, indeed.So when it starts singing of its own accord, and it gives me little snippets of itself while I'm driving, or whispers to me when I am standing at the kitchen sink, and I am ACTUALLY excited to get to my computer, instead of dreading it, it feels SO GOOD.I am actually not even afraid that I'm going to jinx it.Here's one thing I think that might have gotten the idea to finally loosen its lips and start talking: I read FIVE books this summer, in the span of about two weeks.It was such a blast. I read The Kiss Quotient, The Astonishing Color of After, Ghosted, The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Each gave me a gift in its own way, and none of them drew any close comparisons to my own writing, which I find is usually a total ego killer/confidence sucker.I am also just now starting Children of Blood and Bone, but I'm having trouble reading as my WIP is getting pretty pushy about taking up quite a lot of headspace, so my reading may have to go to the back burner.After all, you don't argue with the muse.Hope the end of summer is treating you right.



Ahh, 2020. There are no words. No, really. None.


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