Who is this mystery man?

Stefano DiMera Delfino Anderson

Stefano DiMera Delfino Anderson

Recently I had two readers (independent of one another) ask about the mystery man in my life, Stefano DiMera Delfino Anderson. He's aloof, cool, charming when he wants to be, and suave beyond compare. He came into my life after flying up from California and deciding to stay a while in little ol' Boise, Idaho. His past is shadowy; no one knows if he had a family there, or what happened to them. A menace to our family tried to steal him away once.  I fought back, and Stefano stayed with me. Wherever he goes, people want to touch him and be near him.  He is always the center of attention. He sounds like a movie star? Close.  He's my Rico Suave: Today he and I went walking with some friends in support of the Idaho Humane Society.  He was a celebrity, as usual.  It's a great cause, so if you love animals or you've got a celeb crush on Stefano, consider donating to IHS.  He wouldn't be in our lives if not for them. www.idahohumanesociety.org I'd love to see pics or hear about your furry family members!  I think Stefano will make an appearance in a story I write sooner or later.  His personality is too big not to.



October 28th!
